For the latest information always refer to SAP Note 147519. Released on October 8th, SAP GUI 7.40 offers many new features of the following, New design theme called Blue Crystal SAP NetWeaver Business Client Integration Installation Improvement SAP. What is the current lifecycle of SAP GUI for Windows? The chart below shows the current dates (on 2nd of January 2019) for the lifecycle of SAP GUI for Windows releases 7.40 up to 7.60. Only one version of SAP GUI for Windows is possible. SAP GUI for Windows 7.60 is compatible with all SAP products available when this document was created and which are still supported by SAP. Where can I find information on SAP GUI for Windows support? You can find information on SAP GUI for Windows platform support in the SAP Product Availability Matrix or in SAP note 66971.
For details about the SAPGUI 760 installation steps see page: Complete Installation SAP GUI 760 and BEx Frontend. Introduction Install SAP GUI 7.30 Introduction Instalasi SAP GUI 7.30 Apply for SAP GUI 7. SAP GUI 7. What is the support period for the SAP GUI 760? SAP GUI for Windows 7.60 is available with full support up to April 12th, 2022, see note 147519. The chart below shows the current dates (on 2nd of January 2019) for the lifecycle of SAP GUI for Windows releases 7.40 up to 7.60.
And, you will require two important files: 1. sap gui 7.4 download for windows 10 sap gui 7.40 patch 2 download sap gui 7.40 beta sap gui for windows 7.40 sap gui 7.40 sap gui 7.
Info about Sap Gui 7.60 When will SAP GUI for Windows 7 be supported? Therefore, SAP GUI for Windows 7.60 is supported until 12 th of April 2022. SAP GUI 7.40 for Windows Installation Procedure of 15 Step 1 To install SAP GUI 7.40 for Windows 8.1 and above, you need to un-install any prior version of SAP GUI from your machine.